Guidelines For Child Support In Louisiana

Darby Mann

What Are The Guidelines For Child Support In Louisiana?

Parents strongly desire to ensure their children are cared for even when a divorce happens. They may be anxious and worry that they won’t be able to care for the children financially without excessive hardships to one or the other when considering a separation or divorce. With the help of an attorney, parents can navigate the Louisiana child support court system for an outcome that benefits the whole family.


We understand that child support issues can be challenging to understand without guidance. The Louisiana Family Law Firm is made up of experienced divorce and family lawyers dedicated to compassionately serving families in the Baton Rouge and New Orleans areas. We can sort out the intricacies of child support issues and work towards peaceful solutions. Read further to answer questions or eliminate misconceptions about the child support guidelines in Louisiana. 


Understanding Louisiana Child Support Guidelines

The 47 sections listed under the Louisiana RS 9:315 statute outline the procedures that courts must follow to establish, modify, terminate, and enforce child support orders in Louisiana. However, the courts can deviate from these sections if they find that applying these would not be in the child’s best interest or would be inequitable to the parties involved. 


Factors Considered in Calculating Louisiana Child Support

The Louisiana child support guidelines for determining child support are outlined in sections 1 through 20. The courts will collect evidence on incomes received by both parties and use this information to calculate the basic child support obligation. Louisiana RS 9:315.19 shows a schedule of basic child support obligations based on both parties’ combined adjusted monthly gross income and the number of children to support. Then, they will factor in other costs needed to calculate the total child support obligation, such as:

  • Child care
  • Health insurance premiums
  • Extraordinary medical expenses
  • Additional expenses that aren’t included in the basic obligation


In addition, calculating each party’s obligation will depend on which party is already making direct payments related to childcare costs, health insurance premiums, and other expenses. It is also conditional on the custody arrangement agreement between both parties. For example, suppose parents share physical custody for an equal amount of time. In that case, the basic child support obligation will be multiplied by 1 ½ and divided between the parents depending on their respective adjusted gross incomes. 


Modifying or Terminating Child Support Orders 

You need to know that courts can modify a child support order. Sections 22-23 provide the court with guidelines on when child support orders can be modified or terminated. You can request the courts for a child support order to be altered or suspended under certain circumstances. One such example is when one custodial parent is purposely hiding a child so that the other cannot exercise their rights or duties as a joint custodial parent.


Enforcement of Child Support Orders

Sections 24 and 26 provide guidelines for starting enforcement proceedings when child support is not forthcoming. Sections 30 through 47 are guidelines that outline how the orders can be enforced through the loss of professional, business, industry, or driver’s licenses when not in compliance with the child support order, in contempt of court, or when the one who owes the child support displays a pattern of nonpayment regularly.


How the Louisiana Family Law Firm Can Help 

We are local divorce attorneys who are experienced and knowledgeable in Louisiana child support guidelines and serve clients throughout nine parishes. We will help guide you through the child support process for the benefit of the entire family and initiate child support modification or enforcement petitions when needed.  


Working with The Louisiana Family Law Firm: Your Trusted Source for Child Support Assistance

The Louisiana Family Law Firm understand that when parents decide to separate or divorce, this can be followed by a time of emotional turmoil and uncertainty for everyone involved. We can help by developing a legal strategy for child support that will instill confidence in your family’s future. Contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation.


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